I got just back with the family from a short break and I received an award.

I've got this award from Essie from Van Essie art dolls.
Thank you Essie.
Here are the award rules:
1. Thank the person who gave this to you.
2. Copy the logo and place it in your blog.
3. Link the person who nominated you.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that no one would really know.
5. Nominate seven 'Kreativ Bloggers'
6. Post links to the seven blogs you nominate
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know you nominated them.
7 things you do not know about me:
1. I am a tomboy and real girl at once, I play softbal and like to do ballroom dancing
2. While I'm now a mum of three, I have studied Ergonomics and Cognitive psychology
3. In my work I use a lot of bright colors and all kinds of colors, while my house is in white and grey tones.
4. I look relaxted, but actually my mind is an ongoing machine
5. I ragularly am standing in the shower still wearing my glasses
6. I started out sculpting little things and it looks like I'm going smaller and smaller again with my work..
7. I don't drink alcohol or smoke
Then the nomination of 7 other bloggers, link them and let them know I nominated them:
1. Jody from Creagerstudios
2. Pattee from Odd-dolls
3. Essie from Van Essie art dolls
4. Tone from an Tildas Verden
5. Nikki from Witch and Wizard Miniatures
6. Kasey from Tanglewood Thicket Creations
7. Lorell from Not all faeries are beautiful
O, boy what a job this is....
bye for now!
love, Andrea